Sunday, October 18, 2009

8 years & some memories

I'm home with sick kids today, and with it being Sunday I've had time to sit and think. And I just wanted to list 8 things I remember about Grandpa. And then I want to tag the rest of you! These aren't in any particular order.
1. Tractors! He used to take us kids for rides on the tractors. Of course Ethan was his favorite partner, but that's okay!
2. Cotton & Cotton Pickers, this time of year always reminds me of him, I love it!
3. Lunchtime - Grandpa used to come by for lunch & a break. He'd lay on our floor after eating & pat the back of his neck and say "Chelly Whelly." Then I'd rub that leathery neck of his!
4. Games- I remember he and grandma coming to the majority of my vb games, home & away.
5. Scriptures - before Grandpa & Grandma left on their mission, Grandpa had Joni & I take his old mission scriptures and some colored pencils and remark his new scriptures exactly the way his old ones were done. They were color-coded and even had specific designs!
6. Mission - I remember writing them letters and my mom sending them green chilies while they were in Argentina. What a great example for us!
7. Casa - anytime any Crocketts came into town, we met at Casa for dinner. And Grandpa always let us have his olive!
8. Tastee Freeze - Grandpa frequently took us to get an icecream cone after helping him.

It was obvious that he loved us! I am so grateful for the heritage that he and Grandma have left for us.
K- now I want to hear your memories!
I don't have any pictures of Grandpa on my computer, so would someone else post some?

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