Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" Special Number

HEY FAMILY, so with my dad being in the bishopric when he asks me to do stuff I can't say no because then he just says well I'll get the Bishop to ask you. Well he asked me to put together a special number for church and in stead of saying no way and getting the Bishop ask me (where I couldn't say no) I decided just to do it. So just click on the link below to see the video of it. The piano arrangement is by Jon Schmidt and is of "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" and I arranged the violin parts to go with that (my very first arrangement! :) ) .

Hope Ya Like It,


  1. Wow! You have an amazing talent! Where'd it come from???:) That is seriously cool. I will be using you as an example to keep Kolten motivated on the piano! Btw, the older violin-playing she like your girlfriend??:) She's cute! And I think there's something in the handbook about bishopric members not being able to force family members into doing parts in Sacrament goes against their code of ethics or something...just don't let him force you to talk at the last minute, because he forgot to get a youth speaker!:)

  2. Amazing Levi!! I'm very impressed. Want to come do my piano solo in church this Sunday?? Thanks!!
