Sunday, July 12, 2009

Girls' Camp!

So this last week my parents and I (Clarice) had the opportunity to go to St. David Stake's Girls' Camp. My parents served as cooks in the kitchen all week and I was a youth leader specialist. Anyway, I just wanted to post this video so you all can see a side of my dad you've probably never seen before! The stake young women's presidency put together a dance and made up new words to the song "Thriller" that went along with the camp theme, "Keepers of the Light." This video is a group of us dancing to it. The men in the back are the funniest to watch. Especially my dad and his brother Paul. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I smell blackmail! I think I will save this...there may be a day when this will come in handy! that really the mayor??
