Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hi GREAT-Grandma! (Because you're a GREAT grandma!)

Hi Grandma and everyone, it's Halle. I just thought I would let you know my "latests and greatests"---

1. I turned 6 months last Sunday.

2. I weigh 17 1/2 pounds, which is the 75th percentile (I had to ask my mom how to spell that) and 27 inches long, putting me in the 90th percentile! I might grow up to be as tall as my dad!

3. I can get up on my hands and knees, but then I just rock back and forth.

4. I like to make little girl screams, even though I'm not really mad or scared. I do it for fun.

5. I like to touch and taste everything I see. I'm eating a sock right now and it's really good.

6. I can put my toes in my mouth and suck on them--can any of you do that?

Well, I'm getting kinda fussy and tired now, so I'm gonna go take a nap. Love you all!

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