Yes Marcus made it back home safe & sound. And EVERYONE is so happy to have him back! He got in at 11:00 - right on time. After a few tears and hugs, he got his luggage and we were outta there! We had a nice welcome home party at Carrie's with lots of yummy food - Fenn Tacos, bean burritos, jellos, chips & salsa, then homemade ice cream and cake and brownies. Sorry you missed it!:) He looks good, seems normal:), and for the most part is glad to be home. (I think he wants to be home
and in Argentina!) Morgan was pretty much attached to him the whole day - it was funny at the airport, Carrie hugged Marcus first, then Mark, then Morgan ran up before anyone else had a chance!:) She is super excited and so happy to have Marcus home! Thanks for the great example - Well Done Thou Good & Faithful Servant!
Here's a FEW pictures!
The sistas! (And Jaron - I couldn't keep him out of the pictures!:)
There he comes! Wow he aged!:)
I couldn't get Carrie to stop hugging and look!:)
The Dad & Marcus
Morgan & Marcus
Wow! Kolten's tall!
Right before Halle starts to reach towards her mom!
Luke: "Who are you?"
The gang!
So happy to have him home...
Sorry Beals'...:( But these past two years flew by, so Jordan & Sarah will be home before we know it!:)