Saturday, June 27, 2009

Richardson's trip to Utah. Todd Black's kids with our kids, Porter 15, Houston 17, Mariah 13
They have a beautiful view from their back yard. It looks fake!
The Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. The Temple is beautiful.
On top of the conference center.
Us with Grandma Black, (she did not recognize us, but was happy to have visitors). :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Brady's Bobcat Quilt

I (Carrie) made this quilt for Brady for graduation using some of his t-shirts from his high school years. He said he looked in his closet, drawers, dirty clothes and in the laundry room trying to find them, but he never asked me where they were. It was a good surprise. I quilted it on my quilting machine. I have the templates if any of you quilters out there want to borrow them! The bottom picture is of the back of the quilt; it shows more detail of the quilting.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My friend Carlene is the lucky lady who is in London as I type...and she got to see the wonderful Elder Fultz!!!!! Of course, that was my one and only request and it did help that he was in London at Hyde Park for a Conference Saturday and Sunday! So being the great friend that she is, she took a picture, gave him a package from us, and emailed the picture to us!! And all my boys can say is that his companion is really short...(like we have any room to talk!). Hope you're enjoying your June!!
